Using Sellr for Telesales Marketing Campaigns
How it works
Using Sellr you can :
- Import lists of telephone contacts
- Screen contacts against the TPS (Telephone Preference Service) and CTPS (Corporate TPS) lists to ensure that it is ok to phone them.
- Link with your VOIP telephone system to automatically dial contact phone numbers
- Segment your contacts depending on the outcome of the calls
Example Usage
For example, if you purchased a list of 10000 contacts and you had 2 telesales agents.
You would firstly import the list into Sellr.
You could either separate the contacts into lists for each agent, or they could all use the same list.
If the list is not already TPS screened, the agent would click on the icon to Screen the number.
If the number is ok to call, the click on the Call icon.
A popup window allows the agent to enter the outcome of the call. For example, 'No Answer' or 'Very Interested'
The agent can also add detailed notes to the contacts record.
You can also link the telesales lists to email campaigns to automatically follow up the calls with an email or sequence of emails.