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Meta Tags and Page Titles on Your Ecommerce Online Store



  • This icon represents the Meta Tags and Page Title. This allows you to change the tags that are associated with your site. Tags are used to identify particular sections on your site. It is useful for SEO purposes. You do not have to change anything in this section if you don't want to as the system automatically generates tags. However, if you would like to change anything you can edit the tags by clicking the magnifying glass next to each section.

  • Click the icon once and an orange box will appear on the right hand side of the page. You will see three different tags that you can edit; title, description, keywords as well as some other options at the top of the page.



Meta Tags


  • Meta tags are snippets of text that describes a page's content. They do not appear on the page itself but rather, reside in the page's source code. They are content descriptors that help tell search engines what your web page is about

  • Clicking the Magnifying Glass or Pencil icon that is in line with Title/Description/Keywords flips the mode to that particular type of tag and then allows you to then input a name for the tag and change the content by scrolling down in the orange box to the relevant sections. In this image, I have pressed the Pencil Icon in line with Title. This flips the mode to the Title Meta Tag. I can change the Name of the Tag or change the Content of the Tag. I will not change it as this is what I want the Tag to say. This was automatically generated by the system:



Open Graph Tags


  • The next section along the top of the Meta Tags box is Open Graph Tags:



  • Open Graph tags are snippets of code that control how URL's are displayed when they are shared via social media

  • Clicking the Magnifying Glass or Pencil icon that is in line with Title/Description/Keywords flips the mode to that particular type of Tag and then allows you to then input a name for the Tag and change the content by scrolling down in the orange box to the relevant sections

  • This is automatically generated by the system and in most cases you won't have to do anything with this


Other Properties


  • The next section along the top of the Meta Tags box is Other Properties:





  • The next section along the top of the Meta Tags box is Canonical:




  • A Canonical URL is the URL that Google thinks is the most representative from a set of duplicate pages on your site. For example, if you have multiple URL's for the same page, Google chooses one as Canonical

  • You can input the correct Canonical URL here if you need to. Simply place the URL in the field and press the orange Add New button


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