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CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) - Overview



The customer relationship manager grows as you make more sales. You customers are automatically added to the system along with their contact details, purchase history etc.


You can use the CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) to schedule marketing emails, advertise specific products to specific clients and many other actions that build a relationship with your customers. There are many features available for you to use in the CRM and the following section will give an overview of each feature


To access the CRM, follow these steps:


  • From the Admin Panel, look to the left and select Marketing > Customer Relationship Manager:



  • You will be taken to the CRM which will look similar to this:



  • Hovering over the information in each column will display a tooltip that explains what each part does. If you need to know what a column does, just hover over to see the tooltip:



Manage Lists



  • Allows you to add, edit or delete contacts from your separate contact lists


Schedule Emails



  • Allows you to create new emails and configure or adapt ones that you have already created. These emails can then be set to automatically send to a defined list of customers


Prospect Email Sequences



  • Allows you to create emails that are automatically sent to customers who are browsing or have browsed your site but haven't bought anything (prospects). They may have signed up to a form for more information and this is a very effective method for engaging your customers


Customer Email Sequence



  • Allows you to create automatic emails that will be sent to contacts when they first become customers. There is a maximum of 25 automatic emails that will be sent over a period of up to 3 months


Auto Flag Follow-Up



  • Allows you to set up emails that are automatically sent to a prospective customer if they have been a prospective customer for a certain amount of time. If they have shown interest in a product but did not vuy it, you can use this feature to automatically follow-up with the customer


Import Contacts



  • Allows you to create a list of contacts that can be imported to the CRM. You must have permission from the customer to contact them via email. You can import up to 1000 contacts at once using this feature


Setup TPS Screening



  • Allows you to screen numbers against the UK TPS (Telephone Preference Service) and CTPS lists. If you are conducting telephone marketing, this is a legal requirement in the UK. You need an account with the TPS to use this feature


Add Contact



  • Sometimes you may need to add a single contact to the system. You do this through the CRM and selecting this option


Customer Accounts



  • This option allows to configure customer accounts. This allows your customers to log in to an account that they can create with your store. This allows them to view previous orders, make repeat orders, check dispatch status and perform many other useful actions. It's a good way of ensuring continued purchases and engagement





  • This option allows you to simply and easily comply with the GDPR rules in the EU

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